Producer Dashboard
We have set up a VFX-specific Producer Dashboard that you can access via Airtable here:
Password: amazonVFX
Report submissions will be done through this dashboard.
Show Start Packet
Please download and review the Show Start Packet found in our Airtable Producer Dashboard
Password: amazonVFX
The show start packet contains forms and templates that will be referenced throughout this manual.
Please see the F.A.Q. section for more information. You can also reach out to your show’s VFX Executive team if you have further questions.
Any exceptions to workflows outlined in this manual must be noted in writing and approved by the show’s lead VFX Executive. The information contained in this manual is proprietary and may not be reproduced or made available in any form other than to those with a legitimate business need.
VFX Breakdowns
Amazon Studios requires a VFX breakdown to be submitted that outlines VFX needs by sequence, shots, assets, and estimated overhead and on set expenses based on the script.
We have included in your Show Start Packet (and for download through the Airtable Producer's Dashboard) templates for both episodic and feature projects. These breakdowns are to be updated throughout development, prep and into production based on script revisions and methodology discussions in order to get a good idea of what VFX will be required and estimate costs and time needed to accomplish them.
VFX HOD Hiring & Vendor Policies
- Amazon MGM Studios VFX must approve the candidates hires for VFX positions (e.g. VFX Supervisor or VFX Producer) for both Wholly-owned and Co-Productions.
- Amazon VFX & Content Security must pre-approve all systems used by the ProdCo and VFX vendors to store or share assets. Please see the Tech Menu for pre-approved systems or contact for assistance.
- The process to get a vendor approved can take up to 9 weeks, so please allow enough time ahead of the planned start. Until approval, no sensitive material can be shared with the vendor. To get the process started, the following information needs to be shared with the Amazon MGM VFX team:
- Vendor business name
- Vendor location (city, country)
- Vendor’s security POC name / title
- Vendor POC email
- Vendor POC mobile contact number
- AS project name / code
- Amazon MGM Studios VFX must be informed of vendors being asked to bid on Amazon MGM productions. Prod Co must communicate with the show’s assigned Amazon MGM VFX Executive about any active or potential VFX vendor engagements.
- Amazon MGM Studios works with VFX Vendors globally to streamline the contracting process. Multiple visual effects houses currently have Master Service Agreements (MSA) in place with the studio to cover multiple shows under one legal umbrella. Production should check with the Amazon VFX Executive to see which vendors have an MSA in place.
- Please note, vendor contracts such as Master Service Agreements and Certificates of Engagement may take up to 6-8 weeks to be fully executed.
VFX Breakdowns
Amazon Studios requires a VFX breakdown to be submitted that outlines VFX needs by sequence, shots, assets, and estimated overhead and on set expenses based on the script.
We have included in your Show Start Packet (and for download through the Airtable Producer's Dashboard) templates for both episodic and feature projects. These breakdowns are to be updated throughout development, prep and into production based on script revisions and methodology discussions in order to get a good idea of what VFX will be required and estimate costs and time needed to accomplish them.
VFX Pre-Production Deliverables
- Detailed VFX breakdown
- Detailed VFX budget - Approved by Amazon MGM VFX Executive
- VFX shooting methodology and expectations statement
- VFX Vendor bids
- Crew list, storyboards / mock-ups for VFX sequences
VFX Production Reporting
Weekly VFX Report: Amazon MGM Studios VFX requires a weekly report from VFX Producer/Supervisor on the progress of the VFX work, used to understand if there are savings / overages / schedule impacts.
- Template for US projects:
- Template for European projects:
- Weekly VFX Hot Cost Report: Amazon MGM VFX requires a weekly report from on-set VFX Producer/Supervisor on what was shot and how it affects VFX, used to understand if there are savings / overages / schedule impacts.
- Weekly VFX meeting: A weekly meeting must be set to for the Amazon MGM VFX to align with VFX Supervisor and / or Producer; receive updates, facilitate solving of issues, ensure all is going according to plan. When there isn't a production side VFX team this will be with the nominated person(s), normally the LP, Post Supervisor and/or Producers. Normally starts off on bi-weekly basis, moving to weekly basis at start of post.
- Weekly VFX/Creative meeting: Regular review session giving creative team the chance to view and comment on the VFX work. Setting this up for success is especially important to maintain creative alignment through the entire VFX schedule. Meetings to start when there are creative aspects of the VFX work to be reviewed, and cadence is decided on the schedule and amount of work to review (ranging from bi-weekly to twice a week depending on project and current phase).
VFX Creative Review & Approval
Creative Amazon MGM VFX Reviews must showcase the development of all hero assets, shots and conceptual work up until approval. When submitting for approvals on timing, continuity, or environments and effects that happen over a cut we will need a sequence edit provided.
Submissions should be accompanied by a submission sheet that specifies the scope of work, vendor, and relevant notes for each review item.
Productions are not required to submit shots which involve work limited to clean-up, retimes, split screens and reframes.
Please seek approval with your Amazon MGM VFX Executive on the proposed reviewing platform and cadence as soon as possible to secure availability of required attendees.
Attendees must include:
- Amazon MGM VFX Executive
- Amazon MGM Creative Executives
- Production VFX Supervisor & Producer
- Production Showrunner(s) and Directors (optional, to be dictated by production)
- Production Executive Producers (optional, to be dictated by production)
Productions must send an agenda and review playlist at least 2 hours before a session, as well as provide written notes from the session within 24 hours of the review ending.
If a review needs to be cancelled or changed to an offline session, Productions should provide 24-hour notice. For all offline sessions, Productions must provide a submission list, with any relevant notes included to allow for productive feedback.
Virtual Production (VP)
- Amazon MGM Virtual Production Executive must be consulted regarding the overall approach/plan for Virtual Production from development/planning through final delivery.
- Please Contact the VP Executive using the alias and copy the project's Production Executive on the email
- The VP Executive will create and share a one-pager VP assessment of the project
- Amazon MGM Virtual Production Executive must be informed of all VP vendors being asked to bid on Amazon MGM productions. Prod Co must communicate with the VP Executive about any active or potential VP vendor engagements.
- Amazon MGM Content Security must approve all VP vendors prior to the start of asset building and shooting.
VFX Wrap & Deliverables
Upon completion of a project, the following visual effects specific wrap materials must be provided to the production’s AS VFX Executive team for archival:
Item | Explanation | |
1 | Final VFX Summary Report | A one-sheet summary using the Amazon MGM VFX Wrap Summary template that provides an overview of final VFX costs, rebates, and shot counts. Refer to the Wrap Summary Template. |
2 | Final VFX Estimated Final Cost (EFC) Weekly Report |
A final EFC report using the applicable VFX Weekly Report template. Refer to Shoot & Post Weekly Report for Vendor. Final cost template to be used in Europe: |
3 | VFX Shot List | A final shot list of all VFX shots including episode numbers (when applicable), scene numbers, and approved version numbers. Shot lists should also identify the vendor(s) that worked on the final approved versions. A template is found in Shot List. |
4 | Overage History | A final overage history report using the VFX Overage History Template. |
5 | VFX Digital Assets |
VFX assets created during the course of shot production must be delivered to Amazon MGM VFX. VFX End of Show Data Delivery Specifications v3.1 |
6 | VFX Digital Assets Manifest | A summary report outlining all of the projects final VFX assets. Digital asset creation varies by project. A template is found in Digital Asset Manifest. For projects where unique technology is used to accomplish the visual effects work, Amazon MGM VFX requires vendors to provide platform specs in the form of a text file listing the hardware and software environment in which the work was completed for AS. This file is meant to be opened with Macros enabled in Excel in order to access the drop down lists provided. |
7 | Cyberscans & LIDAR | If cyberscans or LIDAR are captured during the course of production, a copy of all packages must be uploaded to Amazon MGM VFX for archival. Communicate with the production’s Amazon MGM VFX Executive during the wrap process to facilitate uploads and drive deliveries. |
VFX Templates & Exhibits
Overage History Template
Shoot & Post Weekly Report for Vendors
- Episodic for Series
- Features for Movies
Final Shot List Template
Digital Assets Manifest Summary Report
This file is meant to be opened with Macros enabled in Excel in order to access the drop down lists provided.
VFX End of Show Data Delivery Specifications
VFX End of Show Data Delivery Specifications v3.1
Wrap Summary Template