VP Overview
Challenging Scenarios For Virtual Production
Harsh direct lighting - High noon with harsh direct light will require augmented/supplemental lighting.
Cross interaction - Live action actors and virtual environments have a difficult time interacting. There are cases where this will work, for instance having a physical flashlight shine into the digital world, however these are limited at this point.
Small scale - Locations which are much smaller than that Volume’s physical size. These tend to warp and display incorrectly. In this case, a smaller more bespoke setup would be better.
Certain Special Effects - Scenes which require special effects in the scenic set which could damage the Volume such as: oil based fog, fire, and explosions.
Digital Humans/Background Actors - Scenes which require many background extras
Advantages of Virtual Production
The days of filming against a green screen are all but gone. Instead, the virtual environments are shown on an LED wall and are photographed directly there. Contrary to traditional green screen filming, the settings won't need to be "imagined" by the actors or the filmmakers.
Controlled lighting and weather
Creatives can have magic hours for days. With the ability to control time of day, filmmakers can now shoot sunset or sunrise for as long as they need. We no longer need to worry about sun position, inclement weather or chasing that light.
Real, accurate reflections and lighting
The practical set and talent is fully bathed in accurate lighting and reflection from the CG environments.
Minimize or eliminate company moves.
Complete control
The virtual world in the Volume is live and editable. Our control team has the ability to move props around, change lighting, add or subtract set pieces. All live on the day as needed.
Time of day
The Volume looks best in diffused lighting. Golden hour or over cast days, with lots of mid tones are best.