Script Management & Formatting
For Secure Script Storage and Distribution, refer to the Security article.
Prod Co must assign a Script Manager to track the script changes, verify proper formatting, manage script file storage, and secure script distribution. The Production Script Manager is the only person who should access the Production Script folder on the Amazon Studios (“AS”) approved platform.
- Prod Co shall provide AS with copies of all script drafts via AS Approved Platform.
- All scripts must be watermarked with the AS-approved watermark.
- No person may receive a script before they have signed a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
- Scripts may not be printed unless AS Production Executive gives specific approval. Printed Scripts are high-risk physical assets and must be cared for according to the associated physical asset management policies.
- All versions of scripts must have a copyright notice on the title page. Refer to the Copyright Policy for the correct notice.
- The AS Creative Executive will submit the script for copyright registration.
Production must include the title page; an example is below in the templates and exhibits section.
- Script title page must include the following: original source material and writer (if applicable), current draft writer(s), number and date of the current draft, previous draft numbers, dates and writer(s), and Copyright notice.
- Script headers must include Draft Numbers, Date, Page Number, and Color.
- Script footers must include Showcode (once issued) and Property of “Copyright owner.”
Script revisions/drafts will be identified by #, date
Creative Deliverables
Pilot and Series downloadable guides are found here.
Deliverables required before the start of Production:
- Pilot Script
- The script for the first episode of the series. This can vary in length and will usually stipulate a polish by the AS Creative Executive.
- Second Episode Script
- The script for the second episode of the series. This can vary in length and can usually stipulate an outline, the first draft, two sets of revisions, and a polish by the AS Creative Executive.
- Casting
- AS can often ask for any key cast attached to the project or if there are any key targets for casting for the series.
- Key Talent
- AS can often ask if any key heads of departments are attached to the project. These can include Director, Costume Designer, Production Designer, and Director of Photography, among many other roles.
- Timeline for creative deliverables
- A detailed schedule of when AS can expect to receive the above creative deliverables.
- Prod Co Information Pack
- A document detailing the previous work of the Prod Co (as currently staffed), the staff of the Prod Co/team information, and any individual list of projects (where applicable).
- Graphics Concepts
- Final Graphics are due as part of the Post Deliverables, but graphic concepts must be submitted and marked as draft.
- Location Decks, Images, and Research options
- Compilation of all images on a PowerPoint or pdf (deck). This includes research locations and address/contact details.
Deliverables required at the wrap of production:
- Hair, Makeup, Wardrobe Styling
- Final images and styling instructions on Hair, Makeup, and Wardrobe.
- Costume Designs and Looks Images
- Props
- Prop Designs & Hero Prop Images, Action Props (e.g., picture vehicles) Images, and make & model details.
- All props must adhere to the Asset Inventory Policy. Documents that outline the creation of props, including specifications, sourcing details, etc.
Deliverables required before the start of Production:
- Taster Tape (Sizzle)(Optional in India)
- A short video outlining the premise for the show, usually constructed of various archive footage and graphics to provide a flavor of what to expect in the series. It can also be specially filmed for AS to showcase key contributors and the creative vision for the show.
- Series Treatment
- A detailed document outlining the format for the show, an episode breakdown for the series, key locations, access required, and a statement on the creative vision and desired tone for the series.
- Access
- Detailing the access for any key cast/personnel/locations required to make the show and the challenges this may cause.
- Key Talent
- Any potential A-list talent or department heads crucial to the project.
- Where applicable, for Host Options, the Prod Co should provide a list of 3 top-tier (potentially “hard to get”) talent and more accessible, mid-level talent.
- Duty of Care Plan
- The plan to guarantee the physical and psychological safety & well-being of the cast.
- Proposed Senior Production Team
- Amazon Studios can often ask if any key heads of departments are attached to the project. These can include Director, Costume Designer, Production Designer, and Director of Photography, among many other roles.
- Location Options
- A detailed list of where the show intends to film and whether there will need to be set construction or it will film purely on location. This can also detail out any necessary recces for the show.
- Archive Footage
- A detailed list of any required archive footage for the series.
Creative Templates & Exhibits
Script Title Page Example
Pilot & Series Guides
Pilot Structure Guide
Series Bible Guide