Amazon MGM Studios directly commissions and coordinates localization for series directly via its third-party vendor Deluxe using assets delivered to AS teams throughout the production lifecycle. However, the Production Company (“Prod Co”) will be responsible for specific deliveries and communication with Deluxe. For questions regarding Localization, contact Post Executive.
Key Names & Phrases (“KNP”)
For certain shows, a KNP may be required. This template provides key information, such as character names, to the localization team. A template is found at the bottom of this article. For any questions, reach out to the AS Post Production Executive.
The Glossary should include a column of key names and phrases in the original content language and translations for each term into other languages in corresponding columns. Translations should be provided for every language in which translations already exist or are especially critical.
The Glossary must be uploaded to the AS Approved Platform and emailed to the AS Post Executive as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet when Locked Cuts are submitted.
Please note: Final translations for localization are the responsibility of Amazon Studios. Potential variations to production-supplied terms may require discussion between AS Localization and the production’s creative team.
Example - Showcode KNP Example Glossary